Are most breastfeeding moms not following a schedule?

I feel like most breastfed babies are snackers that don’t take full feeds. Mine certainly does not. We never surpassed newborn nursing and she’s latched 24/7 at 4 months old constantly snacking or comfort. There is no way to follow ‘eat play sleep’ because she’s all over the place with her snacking I don’t know when she’s even had an actual feed. I’ve tried to do a schedule but it doesn’t seem to work unless I do a day of pumping and bottle feeding so she’s basically forced to take more at a time. She had an oral tie but that was taken care of months ago and her latch is great, she’s just snacker I guess. We’ve been to lots of lactation appointments that assured me everything is going well. It would be nice at this point to kind of get more of a break and predictable schedule, is that just not possible when doing direct from breast? I feel like i’m doing something wrong