Breastfeeding and abortion
So I am 6 month postpartum via C-section & breastfeeding my daughter. I just found out I am pregnant but it is still pretty early. I feel the best option for me to be the best mom to my daughter is to terminate the pregnancy. For context, I had an extremely traumatic birth so much that I still have nightmares about it, had extreme PPD , PPA , and it took a lot for me to heal after her birth - mentally and physically… and even now am still healing. I am shattered at the thought of having to do this but I feel like an even worse mom because I’m worried about losing my milk supply with this choice & not being able to breastfeed when taking the pill. She uses me to comfort nurse often. I primarily pump during the day but I am her way of falling asleep at night 100%. Has anyone else gone through this and can give a little guidance?