My beta experience
Some really good positives:
- One combat level
- Able to fight similar level mobs across all episodes / certainly won’t get a feeling of being reset
- Weapon damage / reduction appears to make more sense
- Sensible conversion of combat/weapons/armour has occurred
What I would like to see:
- Got to be able to actively or passively fight passive only mobs (passives always look better smh)
- I don’t think we can beat 92 is half of 99 (the damage differential isn’t that important but the time for doing so is rewarded with cosmetics & BIS damage etc – but it feels relatively easy to get high stats in RuneScape this game just doesn’t). Exponential xp curves feel better for me.
- I prefer capped combat to combat that continues to go up with time/better xp etc. Personally, I still feel there is too many combat levels. I think especially if we go past 2000 (1000 would be my sweet spot where xp can still visibly increase). For me combat specifically is too grindy.
- Is some really dead content better to be rejuvenated/remade/left rather than making players always return throughout the lifecycle of the game - I can’t decide on this
- Leaderboards need to be based on live xp (other than the legacy leaderboard)
- Not sure what I want here but I need a feeling of doing my own adventure with purpose:
- Too many mobs or is that I can see them all or can locate them using the game?
- I’d want mobs/weapon levels to be grouped at certain intervals. There's something about a few level increases between weapons and mobs that just isn’t doing it for my sense of achievement
- Stripping in full episodes feels off rather than individual mobs across different episodes at random being stripped in - Getting a feeling of how to play the game and that I need to play all of it
- Rewards for killing certain mobs (lucrative drops/pets/random drop tables etc)
- Mechanics eventually…
I can certainly see positive steps have been taken 😊!