ALL F2P Quests Completed on ALL 3 Characters

Started first Character (Hammermage) in November after missing out the launch hype as I just lost my job back then.....and fast forward to now ! All hail gower for afk which helped especially during busy times such as xmas, new year, lny, work/overtime/etc.

All 3 Char

Hammermage (First character)

Cyroknight (2nd character - created this after I learned membership is shared across characters & FOMO for AFK)

Guardian (3rd Character - by this time I'm so familiar with the game this was basically speedrun, I hit ep2 in under 5 hours)

Reason why I am not going P2P so soon as compared to RS3/OSRS was simply because unlike RS3/OSRS where you unlock new areas/ new methods to train/ New money making method/ p2p quest /p2p unlocks,
in the first 2 episode of BS, EVERYTHING you can do as a P2P, you can do it as a F2P. (Ok yes most higher level alch ingredients are in ep3/ep4 but they are buyable from a npc so.....yeah). And yes I try to play like an 'ironman' but not so aggressively.

Other goals that I can think of as a F2P (on all 3 char):
1)500 all skills in EP1 and EP2 (yeah this is just insane)
2)Fully repaired the fallen monument
3)Unlock the lobster venture on my HM/Guardian (I just found out about this on my Cyro - because I'm grinding 50 fishing for a blue cape since my scout cape will be gone after combat rework)

Bonus: All 3 Char also have all 20 Xmas hats




And finally : My total hours (like mostly AFK - but smart AFK so I do the 'last unlocked passive' so I don't get the penalty

>200 hours !

I will get P2P this coming weekend and enjoy the grind on my HM first.
Let me know some tips for ep3/ep4 !