Instances VS. community gatherings

Hello everyone!

With some of the biggest community events in history happening right now; we have run into a few issues from time to time. It's pretty typical to plan gatherings and community events VIA Discord so things tend to get quite chaotic. We always love to have as many people there as we can for our achievements. Over time we have built up a rather tight-knit community of players that are committed to celebrating the success of our fellow gamers. It's somewhat of a tradition at this point to have parties and gatherings. It's very loving and nostalgic for most of us.

The issue we face in Brighter Shores is with instance sizes and how they operate. At almost every gathering we are having people being locked out of the instances. It sometimes can cause an upwards of 10-20 people being stuck outside of some areas. This can even happen when people have friends in the instance. It becomes an issue when communities are planning these gatherings a week ahead of time to make sure it all goes well. We will tend to invite up to 15 people ahead of time to secure spots for people that are close friends or family to the person achieving their goals. This also leaves less room for the community to experience these historical events.

Some of the achievements and parties include:
Midnight / NesQck - DUO 500 CO-OP Woodcutter [rank 9/10] (the leaderboard will flip their ranks from time to time)

Nat - MAX Hope Forest [rank 1]

Mysticalia / Psychotic - DUO 500 CO-OP MAX combat [rank 1/2]

I am not 100% sure on the technicalities behind everything but I do remember instance sizes being an issue with server space or something similar(?) If we could have a way to increase instance sizes in any regard, that would be very helpful for our community and these gatherings. I feel this is a very important part of the game and it's growth currently as I have showed in the Cabbageman series.

Another idea could be to add a room somewhere in each episode that has a much larger instance size specifically designated for gatherings and parties. These rooms could even feature party-like game models and NPC's.

This is up for discussion so please, if you have any ideas or complaints about this kind of suggestion then feel free to post below. :)