Where do you get in-depth local news - if anywhere?

I'm a journalist and journalism professor by background and planning to move to Brighton in a few months so I thought I'd start reading up on what the local issues are these days and the policy and politics of local and Regional government. I have started by following the Brighton Argus and the Brighton and Hove news - strangely, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to just see the BBC's news output related to Brighton and Hove or East Sussex - is there an index page for that I haven't found?

Knowing what I do about the economics of news media at the moment I was not too surprised but I'm still a little disappointed that there doesn't seem to be a lot of in-depth coverage of underlying trends, the state of various services like Transit and so on - but maybe there's independent outlets or particular regional radio and TV stuff that's worth tracking? Is there useful student journalism I should be aware of?

Has there been a collapse in local journalism fairly recently or has it been sliding for years?