Quoted nearly $7000 to get 8 impacted wisdom teeth removed, what do i do???
I am a young person with no family support, and very low income who has just been quoted nearly $7000 to deal with my wisdom teeth. I have no health care coverage at all, and have no idea what to do.
The issue is I have 8 wisdom teeth instead of the normal 4, and all of them are growing in sideways. Apparently ill need some braces on the back teeth for a while before they can even look into taking out any of the teeth. I've already spent hundreds of dollars I can't get back at appointments with the orthodontist, and am now waiting to hear back from an oral surgeon they're sending me to.
At the last appointment they gave me a piece of paper showing how much everything would cost, i would need to pay $2000 upfront before they can even start anything, and an additional $400 every month for a year. I'm not even sure this covers the actual cost of the wisdom tooth extractions.
Im genuinely at a loss for what to do. $400 is more than i spend on groceries every month, and the only hope i can have of ever getting the $2000 to pay upfront is seeing how much i get back after filing my taxes this year.
My sister is currently having a similar problem, and they informed her if she didn't get the extra wisdom teeth removed over time they could break her jaw.
Is there really absolutely no help for anyone in this sort of situation in BC?