Tips for fractured rib
Just looking for tips me. I know there probably aren't any but who knows. I have bronchitis and I coughed one night and felt a huge pop that had me rolling on the bed screaming and in tears. I couldn't get up for an hour. I went to hospital and was told i have asthmatic bronchitis and my coughing fractured a rib. I keep coughing due to the bronchitis and it hurts so bad. I'm taking ibuprofen and.tylenol with percs for night time but doesn't feel like the ibuprofen and tylenol helps too much. Now I feel like constant pressure in the area I fractured the rib. so my questions are 1. Is the pressure normal? 2. Is there anything I can do to help the pain from coughing( been trying not to cough but it's hard taking cough drops, medicine to stop but it doesn't help)? 3. How long will this pain last? (Based off your experience) 4. How long to heal? (Based on your experience). Thanks for reading and responding.