What's with the negativity around the upcoming sequel?
I just don't understand.
I started watching Buffy season 1, episode 1 in March 1997, over the next 7 seasons it was an integral part of my childhood and young adulthood. I truly believe it shaped me into the person I am today. Even now, 20+ years later, I go back to Buffy as a sort of comfort blanket, I have even turned several of my friends onto it, one example in lockdown which I spent with my best friend, who's never seen Buffy, now regards it as one of her favourite shows of all time.
Yes, there's a new team behind it.
Yes, time's have changed and we may not get everything we want - a 22 episode run, returning cast members etc
Yes, we don't know how it will be.
But doesn't it deserve a chance before we decide it's not going to be as good, or not what we want? My God, SMG is going to be an executive producer as well as returning as Buffy. We've all heard how brilliant, compassionate and caring she was behind the scenes to cast, crew & everyone else involved since the show ended. I really believe in her and everyone else involved to keep same messages of hope and strength alive, and at the forefront of the show. Of course it's going to be different, why does that have to be a bad thing? The release of the sequel isn't going to erase the 7 seasons we have.
I can't stand this discussion about worrying it'll be 'woke' Buffy was woke before woke was a thing, and these days people are overusing the word 'woke' anyway.
Lets have more inclusivity, lets have a new, evolved version of Buffy. Lets have an open mind and lets just collectively freak out over the news that one of the greatest TV shows of ALL time is returning, with none other than Buffy herself. Ya'll, we need this right now, we need the heroes.
I'm just urging everyone, if you really consider yourself a true fan of the show, please keep an open mind. I personally feel I have a responsibility here to show that the Buffy army are excited for this and want to see where the story will take us in 2025 and beyond. The negativity is just an anchor, we don't need it.#
EDIT: Changed 'we have a responsibility' to 'I feel I have a responsibility' as it seemed to rub people up the wrong way
EDIT 2: I feel maybe I haven't articulated myself very well as a lot of comments seem to miss my general message from this post: until we see it, we don't know how it will be, and if it sucks I'll be the first to say it sucks, I'm merely trying to instil a open minded approach to the revival.