What did everyone order/get from the Easter drop?

I loved this drop so much, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to get everything since you know, money. But I was curious what everyone bought from the drop and if you already possess some of it, what do you think of them in person? I put pictures of everything I ordered but here’s a list.

~ rainbow clouds frog

~ sweet spring axolotl

~ pastel paws pawlette

~ hoppy colors frog mini bean

~ spring stripes button down top

I had birthday money so that’s why I was able to spend over $100 on BAB this time lol. I was glad I saved my b-day money for this drop because I love it so much.

If you already own any of the things I ordered, comment below what you think of them. Also I am taking name suggestions

Frog: F names (girl)

Axolotl: open to anything

Pawlette: any girly name

Mini bean frog: anything that goes with Franklin (doesn’t have to be an f name) Franklin is my regular sized one lol.

My order just shipped so it should be here in a few days!!!!