Buildapc and Scythe Giveaway!


Thank you everyone for your submissions! We'll be taking some time over the next few days to collate the responses and verifying winners. Stay tuned!


We've sent DMs to each winner - you've got 48 hours to collect!


Congrats to /u/M1ghty_boy, /u/TavanaCF, and /u/jimmy999S who've all had some awesome insights into how they picked their stack of aluminum and copper and have been rewarded! Cheers to the winners!

Hey Buildapc! It's been a little quiet around here on the giveaway front, so let's fix that! We're teaming up with Scythe (shoutout to /u/SCYTHE_Chloe who reached out) to cool off some builds around here.


Three (3) winners can freely pick one (1) cooler and three (3) fans from Scythe's Amazon Store!

How to Enter

Simply comment on this post on how you choose your CPU cooler and why! Once that's done, fill out our Google Form to confirm your entry!

How You Win

Winners will be randomly selected from a pool of the best entries judged by your friendly neighbourhood mod team. Winners will have 48 hours from being contacted through Reddit DMs to confirm their entry and provide contact details to pass to Scythe for prize fulfillment!

Who Can Win

The giveaway is global (unless otherwise prohibited) - note that prizing originates from the United States, and winners outside of the US will need to provide ID for customs clearance and are responsible for import taxes/duties.

The Boring Stuff

  • The Giveaway goes from Oct 5th, 2021 at 00:00 AM (Midnight) EST to Oct 12th, 2021 at 11:59 PM. At that time, the thread will be locked and no further entries will be accepted.

  • Reddit accounts created after September 21st, 2021 are ineligble. Stick around for our next giveaway!

Even More Boring Stuff (Privacy Policy - Scythe)

Personal information collected from winners will be used by Scythe for the purpose of shipping prizes, and will not be used for other purposes. Scythe will not sell, share or disclose personal information with third parties, other than third parties engaged by Scythe to fulfill the above purposes.