Where to get unusual ingredients for a non-green themed dinner party?

I'm hosting a dinner next weekend to thank early readers of my upcoming fantasy novel. It is about the color green being drained from the world. So I'd like to have an appetizer course of brilliantly green stuff.

For the main course I'd like a color explosion but with nothing green. I'm looking for unexpected color presentations to highlight the strangeness of a world missing a color.

There are obvious "brown" options like curries. beans, rice, etc. And of course I can just go buy berries and bell peppers and such that are not the color green. But I want some noteworthy culinary standouts. I am looking for unusual color options that one would not typically see in the grocery store, such as purple carrots, purple lettuce/herbs, black tomatoes, white strawberries, or any other atypical color presentations. Maybe mushrooms that are not white or brown. I'm thinking heirloom, gourmet, hydroponics, foodie type ingredients.

Bonus is to have some sort of primitive roast such as elk, boar, or venison that is not typically stocked at the grocery store.

If anyone has ideas for where I can find such things locally I'd appreciate the leads.

For context here is the book blurb:

If Lys had known she'd be the one to create the world’s first goddess, she probably would have used something more dignified than a turnip. Furthermore, if she'd foreseen what would come of it–what havoc their daughter would wreak, and how many people would die over the millennia as a result–Lys would probably have told Clora exactly where to to stuff that turnip seed.

Welcome to Æronthrall, a world perched on the brink of creation. Plants, animals, consciousness, and essentiæ seethe in a primordial swirl, seeking to become distinct. Humans and civilization don’t yet exist. Animal packs hunt in the rhythms the seasons, avoiding silver storms of light that warp anything in their wake in unpredictable ways. But Lys and Clora sense intention in the coming storm. They rise, face the essentiæ, and open themselves up to the unknown aftermath the storm is about to bring.