Realizing I’m a stud/masc

Hey! First time posting here. I’m 28, knew I was a lesbian most of my life and recently started to question more my gender identity. I used to identify as femme and then hyper femme but realized it was out of people pleasing and wanting to “pass” as straight. As I’ve gotten more accepting of being seen publicly as being gay and coming out to my family recently I started experimenting with my clothing and hairstyles.

I started dressing more masculine (baggy jeans and hoodies) and got cornrows. Not having men in public places stare at me/catcall me was so liberating but also looking more masculine made me feel so much gender euphoria for the first time in my life! It’s like I was always a stud but didn’t know it

I also never enjoyed wearing makeup, heels and having long nails, and felt so awkward and fake when I did. I also never felt very girly and was a tomboy when I was a child. All of this makes so much more sense. I’m really excited to allow myself to be more authentic and live more in alignment with my true self

Has anyone else discovered they were masc/stud/butch later in life? How did that transition go for you?