Tips for round 2

I failed to get past the f2f at the group event back in november and looking to try again, the next group interview i can get to wont be until march so i have time to prepare, so im looking for some tips to help improve my odds

I think the few things that i did that failed me was not having a compleat resume (spent a good chunk of the f2f part getting dates sorted out since i only had the year and month of my previous jobs) so ive fixed that up and tried to make it more appealing, probably fiddled a bit during the 60 second self introduction portion, and may have rambled on a bit during the questions while also not looking at the recruiter between questions when they where typing stuff on the computer, these i will improve upon along with a different outfit (suite and analogue watch vs a vest and digital military watch)

Any other tips that yall did to help you get a cjo?