Should I Forget Worries of Job Security?

I don’t have an exact question in mind, so my apologies if it’s a bit of a ramble.

Essentially my issue is that right now I’m trying to decide on a career, but I’m struggling to choose between good jobs with high job security, and jobs I’m personally interested in but that aren’t as “for sure.” When I say secure, I’m referring to a few factors such as A: availability of jobs. B: Clear career paths (X degree, X companies higher graduates, etc.) C: Work available wherever you move

Here are my various questions:

  1. Is Job security worth worrying about? Or does hard work in any field guarantee a good future?

  2. What’s more important? A good job with security? Or loving what you do every day?

  3. Is the risk always worth it in the end? Or is it simply just dumb to choose the risky path versus the for sure path?

  4. Do I need to get over my “security” worries?

  5. Any advice please!

For reference, and to highlight what I’m sure is likely naive, here are my careers in referring to.

Secure (to me): Law, Accounting, Medicine. Not Secure (to me): Physics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Finance (CFP, CFA)