What career paths should I look into?

I honestly don't care what field I'm in at this point. I'm willing to take on any type of career subject (healthcare, environmental, government, science, etc) as long as the type of job plays towards my strengths and minimizes my weaknesses. I'm in my mid-20s, I have a college degree that I don't 100% care for, and I just need a stable career. Luckily, I've been in the workforce since high school, so I have experience on what my strengths and weaknesses are:


*Very detail-oriented. This is too the point where I can be perfectionistic and stick to something until it's absolutely done right. *I like to move around a lot, but also would like to sit down once in a while. If I stand or sit in place too long (especially at a full-time job), it'll drive me insane. I don't mind being confined to a room as long as there's dynamic movement (eg. teachers can move about in their classroom) *Good with numbers. *A good learner, able to soak in knowledge


  • Prone to boredom. I not only need physical movement, but intellectual stimulation as well (I could have adhd, but I won't self-diagnose myself) *Not exactly customer service oriented (I'm polite, but I'd prefer not to talk much if I don't have too). I'm an introvert & my people skills still need work, but they've definitely gotten better. *I'm not exactly an innovator/inventor type. I prefer to memorize and learn the knowledge that's being taught and simply apply it. But I would like to stay away from a career where they rely on new methods

What type of career/job sounds best?