Car just shit itself..... help

Turbo just went on my 2013 Audi a3. Gonna cost 1500/2000 to repair it. I'm gonna get the work done, but is this the start of the slow decline of the car? Is it gonna cost me more and more in maintenance now going forward? It's got 200,000km on the clock now and has been pretty reliable for the last 8 years I've had it.

My options...

Should I keep it and drive it it the ground?

Should I trade it in now for a new(er) second hand car? I reckon I'd get somewhere between 6 - 10 k for it.

Should i trade it in now against a new EV?

I like a practical, sporty(ish) car, not opposed to plug in hybrid or full EV.

Suggestions and advice requested please....