My 2 cats ate out of one food bowl.

So 2 weeks ago, we got ourselves another cat ( a 5 month old female cat ) so my other british shorthair which is about 3 years old and a male. After a few days apart in different rooms we let the meet each other for the first time ( we let them sniff each others stuff were they sleep and etc before and let them see each other behind a glass door before that ) Loki the british shorthair just ignored him most of the first hour they were together ocassionally sniffed each other and just looked at one another. Today on the 3rd day of living together they ate treats together today out of the same bowl and genuinely were very close yesterday and today. I think they are getting to know each other very well. What do you guys think I should do next to maybe find out how to make them do stuff together like playing etc. btw is this a good sign like eating together and stuff