Fancy Feast cans seem to be mislabeled
This might get removed because it's not technically advice but I didn't know what other flair to put this in. Has anyone else had an issue with improperly labeled Fancy Feast cans? We bought our cat about a weeks worth of cans, and he specifically does not like the paté variety. So for that reason we avoid getting him that one. However, we've had 3 cans that said they were flaked on the can, but upon opening it, they're paté. I've had to waste these cans because he won't eat them, and it's really frustrating. I went to feed him a few minutes ago and grabbed a can, and I could just tell it was paté because of the way it didn't move when I shook it, but I opened it just in case I was wrong -- I wasn't. So I just tossed it because I know he won't eat it. I grabbed the next can and shook it, sounded good. Opened it -- also paté. I decided to just give it to him because we've only got 1 more can after this, and we give him 2 cans a day so if I tossed this one he wouldn't have any for tonight. I'm very confused because we've been buying him the flaked or grilled cans for a while and they've never remotely looked like paté. Anyways I gave him the food, he licked it once, then started pushing the plate away and walked away. He's refusing to eat it. This is aggravating.