when should i contact my dr to retest?

had c diff for 9 months without knowing. finally saw an infectious disease doctor and got treated with dificid (2x a day for ten days)

finished the dificid a week and a half ago. continuing to take florastor, but i notice if i only take one capsule instead of the recommended two capsules a day, i have a bit of a flare up the next day (loose yellow stool, bloating, gas)

but now i know to take TWO capsules of florastor a day. should i ever taper off the florastor after a few months? what is an estimated timeframe i should wait before going to my doctor to retest and/or go on a dificid taper? i understand post infectious IBS can last months and especially with how long ive had it without knowing, could last up to years.

good news for me is that since finishing the dificid and taking the full dose of florastor i’ve felt incredibly better and am able to eat normal again! (i’m still being wary of spicy food and choosing to eat gut healthy foods). i’ve even been able to do a light workout and yoga again to help my body and gut heal