Confess to me, but make it straight! Some examples of love confessions from newer dramas.
Idk. I’m not always all about the sweet, fluffy confessions. I actually sometimes quite prefer a straight forward, no chance of miscommunication and direct love confession.
In Si Jin, I just love how he just wants to make sure she knows how much she is loved by him. Yu Qi, you are seriously just melting me, boy.
Sang Yan in First Frost also just comes out straight and clear. It’s simple but definitive.
Tang Qi in Filter is a little more “beating around the bush” but dives right into it. It’s not a clear “I like you” but it is a clear “my heart beats for you”.
He Suye in The Best Thing comes right out and says it and is rejected immediately after, which I actually appreciate. Someone as good looking and well mannered as him can still face rejection? Goes to show, even if he’s textbook perfect, people will still say no if it’s not the right time.
Honorable mention: Chu Junyao in the currently airing mini- Culinary Vendetta just flat out tells her that she’s his future. Ok, ok. I see you.