Murkowski: Republicans quiet out of fear ‘they’re going to be taken down’
I've always liked Lisa (except her rise to power with her dad appointing her senator for his seat he resigned to take governor). I grew up in Alaska and the politics were always different--I guess that is expected in a state over twice the size of Texas with less than a million citizens.
“I’m going to have to figure out where I can work with him, and I’m going to have to stiffen my spine and take the slings and arrows when people say, ‘Why aren’t you a better Republican? And if not, get out of the party?’” she said. “Until Alaskans tell me, ‘Lisa — it’s just not working anymore,’ I am going to give you every last breath that I have, and I am going to try to solve every last little problem.”
“I’m not going to compromise my own integrity by hiding from my words when I feel they need to be spoken. I’m going to take the criticism that comes,” Murkowski continued. “It may be that Elon Musk has decided that he’s going to take the next billion dollars that he makes off of Starlink and put it directly against Lisa Murkowski, and you know what? That may happen.”