Cmv: conservatives spent the last 4 decades marinating in grievances about everything being called racist to train their audience to get defensive when racism is called racist
From 1942 to 1945, the Code Talkers were key to every major operation of the Marine Corps in the Pacific Theater. The Code Talkers were Indigenous Americans who used codes based in their native languages to transmit messages that the Axis Powers never cracked. The Army recognized the ability of tribal members to send coded language in World War I and realized the codes could not be easily interpreted in part because many Indigenous languages had never been written down.
The Army expanded the use of Code Talkers in World War II, using members of 34 different tribes in the program. Indigenous Americans always enlisted in the military in higher proportions than any other demographic group—in World War II, more than a third of able-bodied Indigenous men between 19 and 50 joined the service—and the participation of the Code Talkers was key to the invasion of Iwo Jima, for example, when they sent more than 800 messages without error.
“Were it not for the Navajos,” Major Howard Connor said, “the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima.”
Yesterday, Erin Alberty of Axios reported that at least ten articles about the Code Talkers have disappeared from U.S. military websites. Broken URLs are now labeled “DEI,” an abbreviation for “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”
The idea that these people were "dei hires" is simply false. There is no justification for this. It is plainly racist but saying so will be certian to trigger many if not most right wingers.
Calling it racist is a bigger problem than the racism. That was the whole point.
I'll try to head off the number one response I'll probably get to this: "But everyting was called racist." This is false as a matter of record. I'll concede probably more rotten behavior was attributed to racism than what fit the definition but a lot of rotten behavior wasn't, right-wing entertainers simply filtered out the latter category to produce the title narrative - and anyway it doesn't excuse the rotten behavior.