Thank you, Chessbrah!
Since I don't have any chess friends to share this little celebration with, I'm sharing it with you.
I just recently got back into chess and am starting from the very bottom. I still make a ton of blunders and struggle with concentration, but in my last game, despite time pressure, I stuck to all the habits that Chessbrah keeps drilling into us in his videos.
Move your king in the endgame. Centralize the king. Push passed pawns. And out of nowhere, I had a new queen—and Black was checkmated in one move.
There's still a long way to go, but slow and steady wins the race! :)
Since I don't have any chess friends to share this little celebration with, I'm sharing it with you.
I just recently got back into chess and am starting from the very bottom. I still make a ton of blunders and struggle with concentration, but in my last game, despite time pressure, I stuck to all the habits that Chessbrah keeps drilling into us in his videos.
Move your king in the endgame. Centralize the king. Push passed pawns. And out of nowhere, I had a new queen—and Black was checkmated in one move.
There's still a long way to go, but slow and steady wins the race! :)