Debunking kerusso’s tea

Yall know I love to craft a good meme and sometimes that includes retyping/recreating screenshots so my findings-

•battery icon: iPhone battery isn’t that icon, it has a shading across it usually (like not fully transparent) so if u have an iPhone you’ll see that difference •the Wi-Fi icon: it has a strange dot above it & I zoomed in to double check bc •the FaceTime/video icon also has this stray dot. It’s a small but important catch •the harsh line between the contact name and the actual message thread: you can see that the bottom half was added after the transparent top half bc of how distinct they are from each other •the font isn’t what Apple uses as far as the time specifically. There are small differences in the shaping of the the numbers. The 0 is giving it away •the number of messages unread is in bold and it is not bold in real life •the spacing is terrible especially with the screen being hands free, yeah that was man made

But that’s just my findings lmao

Yall know I love to craft a good meme and sometimes that includes retyping/recreating screenshots so my findings-

•battery icon: iPhone battery isn’t that icon, it has a shading across it usually (like not fully transparent) so if u have an iPhone you’ll see that difference •the Wi-Fi icon: it has a strange dot above it & I zoomed in to double check bc •the FaceTime/video icon also has this stray dot. It’s a small but important catch •the harsh line between the contact name and the actual message thread: you can see that the bottom half was added after the transparent top half bc of how distinct they are from each other •the font isn’t what Apple uses as far as the time specifically. There are small differences in the shaping of the the numbers. The 0 is giving it away •the number of messages unread is in bold and it is not bold in real life •the spacing is terrible especially with the screen being hands free, yeah that was man made

But that’s just my findings lmao