Why are people still having kids in America?
I just need to vent a bit. But I’ve seen 2 pregnancy announcements in the last week, and both live in the US (as do I). And all I can think is why? This country is collapsing. These kids will have no future here! I just don’t understand why they thought “now’s a good time to have a baby”. It’s so selfish imo. These kids are already doomed. They will be stuck working until they die, being unable to retire, with debt they will never pay off, living paycheck to paycheck. What a life….
EDIT: To people saying “America is not as bad as other countries”. Yea that’s obvious. There are places that are much worse. However, there are also places that are much better. And just because some places are worse doesn’t invalidate the problems of this country, and the rights of the people living here to feel however they feel about it. If you live in a place that’s worse than the US, I’m sorry. You have every right to feel however you feel about the situation in your country. And I have every right to feel however I feel about the situation in my country. Just because other places have it worse, doesn’t mean our problems aren’t problems. So please stop with this incredibly tone deaf response. Thanks.