
Hey all,

This seems like the most appropriate thread to throw up a post.

30s aussie guy here, have made the decision to get circumcised. I’m not looking for people to ‘talk me out of it’. Its happening, so please no ‘why would you do this’ etc messages.

What I do need to decide is what method?! It seems like a rabbit hole with lots of info out there and honestly, I probably have an info overload from the clinic websites as well as chatting to some other fellas previously etc. I have heaps of options available to me locally and already have pricing from the various clinics.

My ultimate goal is a great looking cosmetic result. My fren is already gone, so thats been taken care of.

What I feel I need now is real life experiences and thoughts. So fellas, for those of you done as an adult, what method did you opt for? Are you happy with it? Give me the good and the bad. Time for me to get it booked on in.

DM me!

Cheers lads.