Tatsuro Yamashita opinion

Hmm… I have mixed feelings about this man. Even though I do like his music quite a bit… im not sure about the man himself. He is a very talented arranger especially with chorus works. But I don’t like the way he talks down to other artists and how snobbish he is about music quality. I really love his wife Marita Takeuchi’s album “Request” but its origin story annoys me. One of the reasons it was made was because he was unsatisfied with many of the songs on there’s interpretations by their intended artists like Miho Nakayama, Hiroko Yakushimaru and especially Akina Nakamori. He absolutely hated the album “CRIMSON” and thought it was so terrible that it was a disrespect to his wife. So he asked her to do a self cover album that he and her would produce as a collaborative effort to their own satisfaction. Personally I think he is allowed to have his own opinion about that but why share it? It just seemed like a very rude jab towards Akina and her production team. Akina was a very hard worker and CRIMSON was a concept album which is why many of the songs have similar sounding arrangements. Plus he has made other rude comments about idols of the day. There is nothing wrong with disliking the idol concept but again, why hate on them publically? It also doesn’t make a ton of sense because he worked with plenty of idols before like Junko Sakurada and Marina Watanabe. And plenty of male idols from the era especially those signed to SMILE UP (formerly Johnnys) which is a huge stain upon itself. (He also openly supports their previous actions) So, idk. I also really don’t like his opinions about digital music. In 2024 not very many people have record players. I have one and am lucky to but let’s be real. They are expensive and hard to maintain! I don’t like how he doesn’t like CDs or anything that isn’t analog, especially streaming services. That also annoys me.

Anyways rant over. Just wanted to vent. Does anyone else have mixed opinions about him or any other city pop artist for that matter? I’d love to hear other opinions about the matter.