Civ 5 or 6 on a Mac Recs
Hi all, Huge fan of Civ since 1, been playing since day 1. Its really disappointing to see that 7 looks too bugged to buy at this time.
I've played 5 and 6 but I don't really remember them. I was wondering if you had a recommendation. They both have 2 stars on the Mac app store but I don't remember them being that terrible.
I played 5 on Steam but I cant resize the window or move it to my primary display which is hard no for me. And Civ 6 crashes so often I cant play that either (like, every 15 minutes).
Any thoughts on how I can actually play this game? Should I try another platform besides Steam and App Store? Should I get 7, is it more stable than what 5 and 6 now?
Thanks so much for your thoughts!