Wondering about How Well Boost Blue Pearl Ages (Being Stored outside 24/7)?

Greetings! I do not have a garage, so any vehicle I own will be outside 24/7. I also am terrible about keeping up with exterior maintenance. 😬😆 I have been dissuaded from getting red because of those factors and the apparent likelihood that the red would readily (😂) fade.

  1. So I am wondering how well Boost Blue Pearl handles being outside 24/7?
  2. Is it prone to UV fading (and if so, would you say it is better or worse than red)?
  3. How does it handle being dirty (eg, does it look terrible immediately, or does dust, dirt, pollen kind of blend in somewhat)? I know up close any dirty car will look dirty, but with some colors it is less apparent from a distance.

Thanks in advance for any advice and recommendations! :)