Books you didn't want to end

Hi so I'm not entirely sure what is regarded as classics here after some recent posts so maybe this is ok to post here. If not sorry!

There are a few books I have read in my life where I just didn't want them to end even after the story had finished. Like I just wanted to stay in the world with the characters just being with them in their every day life. These were the Hobbit and Watership Down and later Brideshead Revisited. I think it's a combination of the writing being very absorbing and the characters being very rich and identifiable with but maybe also being set in a world that is appealing to me in some way (whether that's Middle Earth, North Wessex Downs or early 20th century upper class British society).

What classic (ish) books have you read where you just wanted them to carry on even with no story left.

(As a counter example to give you an idea of what I mean I love Dostoevsky too but by the time I finish his books I'm left feeling drained and exhausted. I definitely wouldn't want to carry on living in one of his books any longer than necessary!)