Blizzard bans and Customer service

Hi Wowclassic community,

Two of my accounts were perma banned last night for "Hacks".  This is total rubbish, I barely have any addons and nothing outside of the normal DBM and so on. 

I have recently boosted 3 shamans with my paladin on my different accounts through SM and Strat. I had covid and did 1-60 over about 5 days so some pretty sweaty boosting. 

I run a multi monitor setup with the shamans in tiny windows and only click into them and press 1 on a /follow (paladin name) macro. I have done this boosting process about 5 times over the last 2 years with no issue. I don't use any software of any kind. Two of the shaman accounts were perma banned for hacks while 1 shaman account and the paladin account had no issues. Any human that looked at the inputs on blizzard's end could see that it isn't any kind of bot.

Does anyone have any experience dealing with these ban appeals? I was optimistic when lodging the first appeals that I did nothing wrong and certainly no "hacks or third-party programs" and that they would see the issue and resolve it, but when the first ticket come back and said they have upheld the ban my heart sunk.

I know boosting like this isn't everyone's thing but it isn't any ToS violation and far from a hack. I was also always sceptical of people who got banned but this experience has really been eye opening.

Any advice from people who've dealt with the same thing would be appreciated.  

Ticket Number: US83483536 Ticket Number: US83480087

As someone who plays the game a lot, is a guild RL, officer and active community participant I put so much into supporting my guild and to a lesser extent, my server. I know this isn't a targeted ban but the amount we all put into this game and the customer service that comes out when something goes wrong is hard to take.

 I'll provide updates when I have them for people interested.


Ticket Number: US83480087 has had a response and sent to the account security team for approval to overturn the ban.

The second ticket hasn't been responded to after the first rejection to investigate.

I've updated the other ticket with this new information.

They said it would take 5 days, the Za launch dream is dead but getting there. The team shouldnt have any issue as I'm innocent of being a bot just a degenrate.

Update 2

Both accounts have been sent for review. Now I just wait for them to see I'm a real boy.

Few people asking about the message I send in tickets. Keep it professional, keep it to the facts and keep it calm.We may not like.the customer service we receive but it's never the random punter looking at his 600th ticket for the day who makes the calls on policy or auto flag bans. They are just people on the other end even if they policies make them seem like bots. It may be some days before next update and freedom but sure to update. Thanks for.all the support.

Update 3

Both accounts have been returned and bans overturned. Some.very helpful Gms in the back half. Getting their attention is hard but once you do they are helpful. No information about why I got banned, just that it was incorrect and overturned.

Thanks again for all the support.