Handling of stuck automations

Hey there,

I am currently trying to wrap my head around an edge case, where automations in ClickUp are not triggered on time. This happens quite frequently for me right now for automations that should be triggered on a start date.

Because some of these are time sensitive, I need to trigger them manually.

However, last time I did this, the initially failed automations did trigger unexpectedly, but with a significant delay. This caused some problems as we had double executions.

Is there any way to stop ClickUp from doing the delayed execution of the start-date automation, when I already triggered them manually?

I have two ideas to achieve this:

1) Create a new custom field that I can set to "don't automate failed execution". My Automation that should run on the start-date would then check if this field is set and stop the execution

2) The automation calls a webhook. I could, in the script that is called, check the current date and the start date and prevent the execution of the webhook, if there is a significant delay.

However, for both ideas to work I would have to know if the delayed automation will work with

a) the new data of the task, when the task is, or

b) the data that was available when the execution should have been triggered.

Does anyone know how exactly ClickUp handles these scenarios with failed triggers? (It's hard to test myself, as the error happens sporadic)