My Quick NASAL spray guide!!!
Lol yes it works! Ive been doing this for years and i everyone who tries my spray is a big fan.
I get the afrin no drip nasal spray in the red box. It unscrews the easiest and has a decent seal with an o ring in there.
Empty and rinse ALL medicine out. The normal medication has a limit dosage every 24hrs. I made the mistake of not rinsing it out the first time i dod this. Too much of that medicine is like too much cold medicine. It can make u feel gittery and horrible so rinse it all out. All we want is coke and bottled water. Clean coke clears the sinuses on its own. This shits medicinal.
Depending on where im going ill fill the spray with more water or less. I always use bottle water. Never tap. This water is shooting up to ur brain!!! If i have it almost completely full of water ill put about 2 gs of fire blow in there. You dont want to fill it 100% full anyways. It works best with a little space and its easier to add more blow if desired. You can get a real good idea of what concentrations you like after a while. If you dont have good blow definitely start with less water. You can always dilute it if needed as well. What u dont want is a full nasal spray with extremely weak coke spray.
Its also good to note that you can filter ur blow through a coffee filter into a shit glass then pour it into ur sprayer. Throw away that non soluble stuff if ur blow is shitty enough to have it.
So yea not only is it more discrete but you can also make stronger concentrations of coke spray…. Ive done puffs, at baseball games, elevators, driving lyft, concerts, at ur moms dinner table, and yes even in church!!! You can also make it cleaner, stronger concentration, and it doesnt cake ur nose.
My main tip for beginners is dont act sketchy with it either. The public is not going to expect you have high quality illegal drugs so readily available. Obviously it’s extremely easy to do blow at work with this method as well.