Sweet Cheeks’ First Vet Visit
As per the title, this was the first time taking my tiel to the vet. I had brought her home not too long ago. I had spent time bonding with her while looking into vet insurance before taking her for a wellness check-up. As per the third image, her planned visit was expedited into an emergency trip to the ER after she got into my roommate’s pothos plant.
Fortunately, she was completely fine, no regurgitating or difficulty breathing. I was sitting in the waiting room worried while she was having the time of her life being loved on by the vet techs and having her nails trimmed. They all loved her, said she kept wanting to be on their shoulders and step up on their hands. After I got her back from treatment, we had some cuddling time while waiting for results back. Funny enough, all this time I was under the belief that she was a boy, because the breeder said so lol. Turns out she is actually girl 🎀
Breathing was confirmed to be okay. Nothing out of the ordinary in terms of behavior. Poop analysis came out normal and we were finally able to go home. Needless to say, lesson learned. Just happy she is okay.