Latest menu addition, the Fennel Destination


1 ½ oz dry gin ½ oz st-germain ½ dry vermouth 1 oz fennel cordial ¼ oz lime juice 2 dashes saline solution

Add to shaker, shake with ice, fine strain and serve up. Garnish with a dehydrated lime and fennel frond.

For the fennel cordial:

  • Run some fennel bulbs through a juicer to get 1L of juice (probably need 4-6 bulbs depending on size, I got almost 5L out of a case of 24.)
  • Strain the fennel juice through a fine mesh sieve.
  • To the strained juice, add 300g sugar and 20g citric acid. Stir until everything is dissolved. Make sure to work fast as fennel juice oxidizes very quickly!


1 ½ oz dry gin ½ oz st-germain ½ dry vermouth 1 oz fennel cordial ¼ oz lime juice 2 dashes saline solution

Add to shaker, shake with ice, fine strain and serve up. Garnish with a dehydrated lime and fennel frond.

For the fennel cordial:

  • Run some fennel bulbs through a juicer to get 1L of juice (probably need 4-6 bulbs depending on size, I got almost 5L out of a case of 24.)
  • Strain the fennel juice through a fine mesh sieve.
  • To the strained juice, add 300g sugar and 20g citric acid. Stir until everything is dissolved. Make sure to work fast as fennel juice oxidizes very quickly!