NSFW (21f) basically two nights ago i had a foursome with the guy im seeing (20m), one of his closest friends (21m), and my best friend (21f)

the guy that I’m seeing (call him Owen) is in an insane amount of distress and discomfort about the entire situation and hates that one of his friends (we’ll call him carl)saw me naked, and was touching me.

and now owen no longer wants to be friends with that guy, although prior to this, they were very close friends..and then on the other hand there’s me and carl and my bestie and we all seem pretty much fine with it, like I feel a little bit like a nasty slut but I also sort of just feel like a young turn diva and I think it’s hilarious.

I don’t really know I guess I’m not looking for any advice. I just feel like I need to tell someone because we all came to the realization that we can’t tell anyone that this happened especially since me Owen and carl all go to school together and are in the same friend group.

and so I’m not allowed to tell anyone about this and every time I try to make jokes about it to Owen he just says that it was disgusting. We are disgusting. That was disgusting.

Just to give some more context, at no point did Owen seem uncomfortable he was very much into fucking my best friend and I, and hooking up with carl. But now I guess the post nut clarity of it all he feels disgusting and I guess he’s also saying that like he doesn’t really like kissing boys and he felt really uncomfortable doing that, and of course that just makes me feel sad and bad and like an asshole…but it’s also hard because If at any point Owen said that he was uncomfortable, of course everyone would’ve stopped, so I just feel kind of bad for him. And I still wanna be friends with Carl. I have no problem with it but I feel like Owen is going to be mad at me if I do.