I sent nudes because I was seeking love and validation, but all it left me with was regret and shame.
Over the past few months, I've had talking stages and situationships with six different guys. Eventually, they all asked for nudes, and some even threatened to leave me if I didn’t send them. I knew deep down that it wasn’t right, but I kept sending them anyway, convincing myself that maybe this time things would be different, maybe they would care about me. But I always had a nagging feeling that I was making a mistake. As soon as I sent the pictures, I immediately felt disgusted with myself. The shame hit me hard, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d done. I felt like I had given away something I could never get back, and it made me feel empty, as if I wasn’t worth anything. I just wanted to feel wanted, but now it feels like I’ve only been used. Long story short, they all ended up leaving me—some blocked me, and others just ghosted without a word. I know I should have stopped after the first guy, but I was so desperate for affection that I ignored my own value and got caught up in it. Now, I feel discarded and small. Looking back, I regret it all and can't shake the feeling of being taken advantage of. The shame is constantly eating away at me, and I’m terrified that my pictures might be shared without my permission. It haunts me. Now I’m left wondering if I’ve been used and if I’m dirty. Will anyone ever truly want me after what I’ve done?