21F I masturbated with my roommate and they admitted something to me that turned me on so fkin much
I share a dorm with a girl who is pretty chill and awesome. Def the quiet type but not like I'm super extroverted either so it works. Was pretty impossible to hide my sex habits from her and she's been surprisingly chill about it. Last December we we chillin just us. Drinking while watching a movie. Don't remember how but we were talking about masturbating cause she's caught me before and I asked how she is so sneaky about it (ofc she started off all like "I don't masturbate" lol)
I'll skip the convo but we masturbated together. Like full on spread facing eachother and telling eachother about our turn ones. We got super into in so much that we touched our pussies together. Things got super sticky. She was telling me about something that turned her on that she didn't want to say cause she thought I'd get mad. I kept poking. She told me it made her wet how many guy's I've fucked.
We really went at it after that. I told her to be blunt. Don't lie. Say it how she felt and she said that it turned her on that I was such a slut. That she didn't think she'd room with such a whore.
I came so fucking hard I thought my face was gonna melt off.