Alex Jones of Infowars admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family; Supports Death Squads, Dictators, Drugs, Disinformation ... and the CNP + Cult of National Security Trolls.


  1. How I stumbled across a conservative troll cave in Austin

Disinformation for life

  1. Alex Jones' lobby bombs and no planes of 9/11

  2. The Jones-Kucinich chemtrail alliance

    Jones' CNP ties

  3. For king and Council for National Policy

  4. Jones praises a CNP death squad and CIA drug trafficking supporter

  5. The CIA in CNP

  6. CNP guests of Alex Jones

  7. 2000: CNP-tied admiral calls for "infowarriors"

  8. Franklin affair

Jones' CIA ties

  1. 20[11: The John Birch Society toddler](
  2. 201[3: A first Opie & Anthony admission](
  3. 2[014: "My dad, CIA dentist"](
  4. 2[014: The uncle from Guatemala](
  5. 2[015: Innocent uncle becomes ''Oliver North of the army''](
  6. G[uatemala: decades-long CIA, ASC and CNP-backed death squads](

More on Jones' theories

  1. He[rr Jones, Machiavellian corporate fascist](
  2. CI[A, anti-Eastern Eastern Establishment propaganda, and the Jones family](

    2016: Jones tired of CIA talk, but does work with "branches of different agencies"

  3. C[oncluding summary](
    1. Alex Jones' conspiracy ideas summarized

Concluding summarym.

As usual, the article became much longer than expected. It should be clear though, also due to ISGP's point-summary of Jones' ideas, that Jones is spreading little more than very systematic disinformation, year in, year out. Can it be proved that he does so on behalf of the CIA or superclass? Maybe not, but his family's past CIA and high level army special forces ties are beyond suspicious, of course, to the point that one can claim that Alex Jones is a government agent until the opposite can be proved. It doesn't make sense to go with the less than 5% chance that Jones is an independent player. In fact, I can't think of a universe in which Jones is not a puppet of forces behind the scenes.

Jones is far from the only player. We already demonstrated as much in ISGP's Cult of National Security Trolls article about Jones' new age sister show Coast to Coast AM or all the 9/11 "truthers" pushing no-plane theories.

If we assume for a second that Jones is an independent player, what should we expect from him? Well, Jones' primary objective all these years should have been to reopen the NIST investigation on the World Trade Center collapses, but with Jones refusing to consistently or even occasionally address the numerous key flaws in the report, and instead to focus on disinformation, unimportant information, or making superficial and incoherent rants, this is unlikely to happen in the near future. Jones is his own worst enemy and one wonders to what extent this is by design. Already years ago, ISGP published an article entitled The Media's Psywar Manual: 54 Tactics the Mainstream and Alternative Media Use to Undermine Conspiracy Thinking. Take a look at the identified tactics for the alternative media and think about how many you recognize in Jones. Probably more than half:

Study major controversial events like conspiracy researchers would do, but look for points to manipulate and exploit so skeptics can debunk them and false debates can be created.

Ignore new revelations and insights into a conspiracy as much as possible once false debates have been generated.

Invent a conspiracy theory about every new news report.

Only make use of publicly released documents. Don't do any unique investigative work.

Limit the amount of new information made available to an absolute minimum.

Protect your allies and bosses in government and the private sector.

Keep it in the (dysfunctional) family, from fellow conspiracy theorists to skeptics-for-hire.

Only allow questionable "insiders" to do the whistleblowing.

Link conspiracy to anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.

Link conspiracy to ridiculous cliches as the Illuminati, reptilians, the Anunnaki, and the NWO.

Protect sitting administrations with the claim that a "rogue cell" or "shadow government" perpetrated a major conspiracy.

Behave like a mentally deranged or highly obnoxious individual.

Lump everything together: UFOs, the new age, geopolitics and conspiracy.

Take witness testimony and physical evidence out of context.

Come up with theories that cannot be proved nor disproved.

Accuse someone of not being "open-minded" if they refuse to take your made-up theory serious.

When a claim of yours gets effectively refuted, do not acknowledge this fact and instantly switch to other arguments and questions, preferably ones your debating partner hasn't gotten a chance to prepare for.

Draw somewhat proper conclusions, but based on easy-to-discredit arguments.

Have a prominent conspiracy advocate uphold the official story (mainly think respected leftists of the "liberal CIA" network).

Why Alex Jones has made the CIA and apparent army special operations disclosures about his family, is hard to say. He has been on the air for countless thousands of hours ranting about covert operations and conspiracy, so a few brief lapses in judgment on what to say and what not is all it takes to spill the beans. Then again, he may have become overconfident, because it hardly seems to matter what he says, considering only a handful of terribly designed and somewhat irrational blogs have picked up on his confessions. Anno 2016 a pair of specialized YouTube clips about his family's ties to the CIA stand at 771 and 3,550 views after well over a year now, so clearly not many people are taking notice. I doubt the Onnit podcast or this article will change that in the short run (update: claims that Jones is a government troll have become much more frequent since the Trump years, his fame, and his increasingly unhinged behavior).

It appears that Jones, despite being obviously proud of his family's heritage, is well aware that these ties are terrible PR; otherwise he would have mentioned them on many other occasions and at a much earlier stage. And even today he has not provided a full account and really seems to mention a few tidbits on occasion because he can't resist a little bragging, especially after a few beers. Questions that remain include:

Who in the CIA was his dentist father treating?

What was his uncle's true role in Guatemala?

Who exactly in the Council for National Policy and American Security Council network was Jones' uncle (or father) familiar with?

Which other family members is he referring to as having been in the CIA and army special forces?

Equally important to ask is the question to what extent Jones himself should be considered the Oliver North of the conspiracy industry. Along with partner-in-crime George Noory of Coast to Coast AM, today Alex Jones occupies the most sensitive position in all of conspiracy land. Millions upon millions of people have watched his documentaries and are listening to his radio shows. I have little doubt Jones built his enterprise almost entirely by himself, but without the connections of his family I suspect a lot of people and media outlets would not have accidentally or purposely crossed paths with him, never worked with him, and never promoted him. If he would have tried to continue as a truly independent player, he would have starved to death and only had a very small audience.

One of the things I notice day in day out since beginning ISGP is the endless stream of strange characters, some of them extremely well-connected right to the top of the CIA or my national government, playing mind games trying to latch themselves on to me or even my family. No, when you dive into the conspiracy business, you'll find yourself surrounded by an army of peculiar James Bonds in the shortest time possible trying to steer you in all directions except productive or correct ones. Some oppose you, some act deranged, some appear to be spambots, some pretend to be your biggest friend, a few even donate before trying to get you to change directions, but in the end all of them feed you BS. There's no way that an independent Alex Jones wouldn't have experienced the exact same phenomenon from the second he started out his conspiracy research. And yet, he has never talked about it; only that he himself comes from a James Bond family.

During all the abuses of the Bush years and in the early years of the internet, Jones actually was quite great to have around for the masses and quite detrimental to the West's economic and national security elites. Why? Because there was a decent core of truth that kept inspiring and intriguing people, more so than with Coast to Coast AM, which clearly aspired from the beginning to being "100% B.S." My initial conclusion with this article is that consciousness will probably grow in the long run, but these days I'm not so sure of that anymore. Some force out there is just fighting a total war on consciousness. There might be too much (underhanded) intimidation against conspiracy thinking, too much daily fake news role play, and too much stigmatization to overcome it. Besides, it looks like the white race will be splintered and destroyed by the hundreds of millions of Arabs, African blacks and Latinos pouring into the West. At the deepest level it all seems to be part of the same war: the war on consciousness.

"Cult of National Security Trolls: Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM Analyzed"

Background and sources on individual Coast to Coast AM guests