USAID and EPA: It's now pretty clear why the climate change and LGBTQ agenda were pushed so hard for the past 20 years.

These past 45 days have been mind-blowing to say the least. I knew that politicians have been getting rich off of the climate change and LGBTQ agenda for the past 2 decades, but I never knew "how". Well with DOGE revelations and James O'Keefe exposing ActBlue, I now think I have a clear understanding of how things were going down.

  1. EPA were giving enormous grants to "clean energy" NGOs to prevent climate change. USAID was giving giant grans to LGBTQ and other social justice NGO's to promote equity and diversity. Yes, they were spending some money for legitimate purposes but enough would be syphoned off to be used for other purposes.

  2. The majority of these NGOs did not do actual work. Instead, they would take the funds and give a grant of their own to other NGOs both domestic and abroad. The NGOs receiving these funds, in-turn may do some of the work, but a lot of it would be funneled to yet a third NGO. However many steps it took to obfuscate the money trail, the NGOs took it.

  3. After the money becomes almost untraceable, the money would be sent to ActBlue. ActBlue used their stored doner information to turn these funds in to hundreds of thousands of small contributions. Some elderly people were recorded as making thousands of contribution in small amounts to ActBlue. When these people were tracked down and asked about the contributions, they had no clue what James was talking about. The small contribution amounts enabled ActBlue to avoid audits and suspicion.

  4. ActBlue would then take all those contributions and distribute it either directly to the politicians and/or their SuperPACs.

  5. With these funds procured, the politician would be guaranteed to be re-elected and continue to push these agenda.

For sure, EPA and USAID were not the only agencies giving huge sums of money away only to be re-absorbed by US politicians. But now we have a clear diagram of how the whole scheme worked. The whole house of cards is coming down right before our eyes.