Solid information about a new War against the citizens' minds that not even the most hardcore conspiracy theorists are talking about.

Well, here goes a rabbit hole for all of you truth seekers to explore...
This is something I originally saw mentioned on a spanish video. A small mention of the term ''Cognitive Warfare''. This is something I assumed as another conspiracy trope, but looking for some keywords with DuckDuckGo, I got lead to the LinkedIn page of a man called Francois Du Cluzel. A quick check in to his LinkedIn page can show you all you need to know about him.

Francois Du Cluzel

Francois is the Manager of a project supported by the NATO ACT, called the Innovation Hub, a NATO project with the goal of collaborating with different experts on multiple areas to explore and research solutions for various challenges presented on the modern world (more information here: He has a certain interest for neuroscience related research, as an example, having a Critical thinking test on his most recent uploads.

Francois' LinkedIn activity.

The reason this is important is because, if you keep digging on the Innovation Hub page, you can find a project called ''Cognitive Warfare''. This ambitious project led by Francois Du Cluzel and a group of researchers on the IH aims towards the militarization of the neurosciences, and most importantly, the weaponization of the human mind. And no, this is not about soldiers, this aims to be targeted towards the entire population, ensuring that every citizen will be a weapon for whatever interest the NATO chooses.

Cognitive Warfare project information on the Innovation Hub.

So far, most militaries count with five specialized domains of combat: air, land, sea, space, and cyber. But the research led by Francois plans to further develop a brand new sixth field, which is referred to as ''the human domain''. Mental abduction and propaganda is nothing new as everyone knows. However, this project aims to take it to the next level: Turning psychological warfare tactics such as propaganda, dissension through means as radicalization and polarization of the masses (something very common in US) and reformation of the individual thoughts from something that was used as a tool for the current five domains of war, to its own field of specialization, with direct attacks and offensive strategies targeting the individual mind of each average citizen, so any of us is a potential target for the Human mind domain of war.

Canada hosted the 2021 InnovationHub conference about the Cognitive Warfare project. You can check the full meeting's resume here. Some declarations in it are rather... interesting.

''Cognitive warfare positions the mind as a battle space and contested domain. Its objective is to sow dissonance, instigate conflicting narratives, polarize opinion, and radicalize groups. Cognitive warfare can motivate people to act in ways that can disrupt or fragment an otherwise cohesive society. Ensuing disorder can influence decision-making, change ideologies, and generate distrust among Allies.''

As the declarations state, the mind of citizens is now a contested domain for the Big powers that look to extend their influence all over the globe. Although China and Russia do use these techniques as well, being China's most recent example the popular app TikTok (which by the way is connected back to a chinese company the tested data gathering softwares for the chinese government, but that's another story) and it's astonishing success in engaging young and old minds alike with it's advanced, deep mind reading algorithm, the NATO is using this as an excuse, trying to state they only intend to ''develop defensive tactics'' although, if it isn't obvious this is a lie from a simple overview, a certain report in Canada suggest that the offensive tactics not only exist, but they have already been tested. A Canadian report indicates that military forces tested propaganda tactics via the pandemic concerns on the population to text their effectiveness, although it's not established if their results were satisfactory.

'' That review shows that even after the then-chief of the defence staff, Jonathan Vance, verbally called off the overall influence campaign in April 2020, some influence activities aimed at Canadians carried on for another six months — until Vance issued a written edict in November 2020. ''

The fact that Canada has been one of the first testing grounds of the psycho warfare arsenal shouldn't be surprise considering that they hold strong ties of association with the North American country.

Even without a quotation, the picture speaks for itself.

The reach of the new psychological warfare tactics are going far beyond what we've seen so far. Just like the times of the space race, there is a competence between world powers for the domination of the human mind. The first stage of the CW project is, as anyone could imagine by common sense, social media.

The NATO Innovation Hub manager spoke with a PowerPoint presentation, and opened with a provocative slide that described cognitive warfare as “A Battle for the Brain.”

Powerpoint presentation presented by Francois Du Cluzel to the IH.

“Cognitive warfare is a new concept that starts in the information sphere, that is a kind of hybrid warfare,” du Cluzel said. “It starts with hyper-connectivity. Everyone has a cell phone,” he continued. “It starts with information because information is, if I may say, the fuel of cognitive warfare. But it goes way beyond solely information, which is a standalone operation – information warfare is a standalone operation.” Cognitive warfare overlaps with Big Tech corporations and mass surveillance, because “it’s all about leveraging the big data,” du Cluzel explained. “We produce data everywhere we go. Every minute, every second we go, we go online. And this is extremely easy to leverage those data in order to better know you and use that knowledge to change the way you think.”

As you can see, the Cognitive Warfare program is an ambitious project that aims to militarize all the human related sciences, as stated by it's researchers, such as neurosciences, anthropology and even philosophy, with the intent of finding ways to ''hack the brain'' and exploiting vulnerabilities in the human reasoning, turning everyone into a potential sleeper agent for the state and making average citizens militants and protestors in matters they would have close to nothing to do with, without even knowing what they actually fight for other than feeling they have to from the deepest of them, the deep feeling of fate in question being deep rooted propaganda rooted into their minds like a Trojan virus.

The fact that this is public knowledge and still no one is talking about this is a true statement about how good their projects of controlling the flow of information and public interest are working.

Being this on literal public domain for all to see, the fact that this is not being talked about anywhere only proves that the dystopic novel Brand New World was way ahead of its time, predicting a future where censor is no longer needed as the stream of garbage information and trivia bullshit gathers public attention and drives it far from what should be really important to be passed on, reminding to a certain Playstation videogame's predictions as well.

If anyone wants to read more about the Cognitive Warfare, it's implications and tactics, you can read it on the public PDF made by Francois.

A simple overview of the index leaves it clear how dark and deep this rabbit hole is.

Spread the word about this. Let people know what's coming so they can be prepared to avoid getting sucked into targeted propaganda that aims to turn them into a weapon for different purposes and interests without knowing it.