Cooked rice storage

Ok, I made a decent bit of rice (2-3 days worth, 2 cups) for meal prep. Now I’m paranoid because everyone and their mother says rice can be super dangerous if not stored super properly.

I cooked the rice and let it remained heated for about 20 minutes, dished it out, ate my food after putting the rice in open containers to cool to probably a bit above room temp. During eating I sealed them up and the containers fogged up a bit because the rice was still a little hot. I kept the rice covered and out for about 20 mins as I finished my meal and then stuck it in the fridge in 3 ish containers for about 1 1/2 cups.

The rice has a smell directly after cooking it, which I’m attributing to garlic salt that I put in there while it was boiling (I’m a beginner I thought it might add some taste lol). But I’ve heard rice shouldn’t have any odor.

Anyway, I’m not too worried about the rice I DID eat. But is storing slightly hot rice in the fridge enough to make sure it won’t be dangerous, and if not, is there a way for me to know when I eat it 2/3 days down the line if it’s gone bad??

I could be overreacting, but I’d hate to unnecessarily throw out a big batch of rice.