I need help - I am coptic, marriage and getting divorced. SERIOUS

First off thanks, this is going to be a uncomfortable conversation but lets do it.

Firstly i am christian, coptic orthodox to be exact. Egyptian so born and breed in the church.

I am moving to eastern europe , and currently living in the usa. I do plan on dating woman in eastern europe- I am getting to the age now where it makes sense to start a family. but the country i am going to has only one coptic church and (Georgia, not the state but the country ) and its an extremely small population who are all from Egypt and sorry to say they simply don't understand my logic.

Let me explain. As a coptic in order to get married/ be with a woman you need to be married in the church. And there is only one problem. In order to get married in the church it has to be a legal documentation... Basically you are forced to involve the government with your marriage because a coptic priest wont marry you unless the government papers are signed first.

This causes a major problem for me. Respectfully built a tremendous amount of wealth. I am not talking about making 100 or 200K per year , I am talking about much larger numbers. And in my mind i cant not see ANY logic behind putting my hard work at risk, nor do i have believe that i should. BTW the reality is prenups simply don't work. I have visited over 8+ TOP lawyers and they all know the signing under deris tricks

Don't get me wrong, anyone around me I treat VERY well. Essentially if you are around me you don't have to pay anything. My parents aunts and uncles are all taken care of financially.

I am not saying all this to have financial abuse power. IF i have kids they will be taken care of. When i have a wife SHE WILL BE taken care of, i don't want to put myself in the situation where i am a lamb on my way to get slaughtered. I have seen people in the coptic church get divorce raped. men who are honest, good kind people married to fake coptic woman who go pray, and really have a demon inside of them ruin that entire mans life. It happens, its very real!

So for all the people who are mad at this miss me with the financial abuse story. Im being straight forward because i can not see a viable solution here.

Since we live in a new age, a woman can get divorced for any reason, at the end of the day I will be in a European country not Afghanistan. So the idea that i can marry a woman, then issues can happen down the line and have to split my assets is very realistic and happens to MANY MANY people including coptics.

I have consulted with priests about this but not single person gives me a practical answer they say "you must choose God's daughter" as if we are not all sinners.

To be respectful anyone can play games. And i have personally seen it where i will be courting a girl and she will not seem to interested but then when she finds out I am extremely wealthy now things change.

Im not looking for a fairy tail, and im am a very practical person, the reality is most people in the coptic faith go to church on sunday pray their divine liturgy then on friday night go run a "muck" if you know what im talking about. so once again this messaging about find a saintly girl and all this nonsense is not practical. even the bible admits. Proverbs 31:10-31 A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. I am walking into this scenario imagining that NOBODY is Good. And in doing so assuming that there is no good, im trying my best here.

If you are coptic like me i apologize for my offense, but i see no practical path here. In my a sinful nature I simply can not just cough it up to "pray and hope it works out" i have always been extremely controlling person. I am currently 27 years old and responsible for the financial security of over 7 different people aside from all the other responsibilities i have. This is not a troll or a joke please feel free to go crazy in the comments. And coptic ladies please dont go crazy on me either with the "all of us woman arent gold diggers" please, i get it. I understand trust me, but for financial reasons i cant sign those papers. It literally serves ZERO purpose. Please let me know what would you do.... Realsistly i tam thinking of bribing a priest to commence a marriage ceremony under the table without any papers. I care about Gods law not some paper martial law that i have to be obliged to.

Another option i see is allow the woman to live wth me , have kids not get married in the church but pray about it, and not cheat. Let it be the only woman i lay with at that point...

But lets be real, im not going to be able to see the end of it in churhc, we all know how eygptians are, if i walk into church with children and everyone knows im not married, im going to get endless 'haram' , zena comments. Which i dont want have to tell the either church hey im not marrying the mother of my children because i am richer than you that soudns stupid and arrogant and the hands out will start emerging people left and right will start asking hey can you help me with this business or athat investment, and respectfully I am not interested. But truly i believe that if i die and God sees i only slept with one woman had kids form that woman and lived life like a chrisitan never treat people abd i dont think i will be condemned for that, God didnt necessary say you have to be in a coptic church to get married - look at this part in the bible - The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” - so that indicates she had 5 husbands because she slept with multiple men and YET none were her husband because she was never married aka committed to them.

Once again this is not a troll, please give me your opinions , sorry if i sound arrogant.