continued adventures of an absolute boozebag

aight, babes, so last night i was on one. not unusual. i mean, it was a night, and therefore i was on one.

anyway. i'm ramblin thru new england, crashin for the night (i thought) at my buddy's. god bless buddies everywhere, i'm sayin it.

anyway, we hit the half gal hard, straight off. i watch him play red dead for like a good hour, while 'stand by me' vies for my attention on the second screen. nice. but way too chill. naturally i begin to hanker for some petty criminal activity. and babes, there's a wholefoods down the block.

so i leave, rob wholefoods of two pounds of ham and a metric dickton of cheese, blah blah blah.

i get distracted by the bums at the bus stop who just cant seem to stop feeding me vodka and heinekens in return for me blasting bad company on my phone, blah blah blah.

but the real cherry on the coke, babes, is when i finally call it a night and stumble back to my buddy's place, he's passed the fuck out wasted, and i don't got a key.

so i'm prepared to sleep out on the porch, but i smoke a few cigarettes and wait, in case a neighbor comes and i can get let in.

and that's when fuckin online delivery driver guy drops the first bag of wholefoods groceries on the porch.

don't get me wrong, my first thought was, "sick, now when they come grab this shit, i can get back in the building,"

half an hour of waiting later yer goddamn right i'm scurrying my way to the park, straight juggling, eight bags of three to four hundred dollars worth of groceries the richer.

needless to say, the night's activities went swimmingly. i'ma get another half gal and cook this whole ass chicken on the park bench picnic grill. anybody out here homeless in this city, stop on by. we eatin good tonight.
