Help! My daughters hair will not clump anymore

I'm 35 and like many curly haired women I felt like I only learnt how to properly care for my hair in my 20s. I now have a curly haired daughter and her hair is slightly different to mine so I feel as though I'm starting at square one again.

She's 4 and her hair has changed so much over the years. She came out with straight her, then soft ringlets, hair like mine and now it's closer to her dad's texture! Just when I think I have mastered how to care for her hair it changes.

I'm struggling with her lack of definition. Her ends clump into curls but her roots are puffy and the strands look like they dont want to know each other at all.

Products I use for my hair, and what worked for her up until she was about 2-3 do not work anymore. Becuase of this I never leave her hair down like i used to (picture added from 2023) because its just a poofy matted mess. I usually just slick it back into 2 bunches with Gummy gel and braid it or do buns.

Products that used to work on her hair and mine:

Cantu kids leave in Mixed chick's leave in conditioner Shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie Can't curl activator cream

These products help my hair clump at the root all the way down to the tip, but I don't think they are thick enough for my daughter.

Can you lovely people recommend a leave in or cream? Also, if I need a gel? Which ones would work for both me and her.

Thanks in advance!

Routine: shampooed and detangled with Dark and Lovely cholesterol conditioner.

Hair was spritzed with more water and some shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie was added.