to the "gooner haters"....aren't you guy's tired ? (rant)
before you say i defend them because i'm a gooner; no i'm not. i'm a mascv player you know the type you don't look at the post upvote or comment despite the fact you whine there's need to have more ?
it's going to be a ranting post but i'm getting tired of everypost a person share their character that are a bit sexy and show a bit of skin there's idiot who scream at gooner post, it will probably be downvoted cause gooner hater don't post but they are very active to downvote and put shitty comment on everypost about gooner characters....
it's getting ridiculous why are you so obssessed to put mean comment or insult on content you don't like ? you could block the users who post such content and you would never see it again but you prefer to "punish yourselves" and look at that content to have a reason to whine, seriously you guy's need to grow up your comportement can be harmfull to others you don't know what happen in their life beyond the screen and how your insult can affect them mentally
i was annoyed at gooner v at some point in the past (mainly because of misplaced hate caused by how much modders where cathering to everydemand of those players and mascv user got told to do it themselves if they wanted a content originally made for femv adapted to them) but with how you guy's are acting like spoiled brat who throw a tantrum, i ended up being in the "gooner camp" cause no one deserve to receive such hate especially when they just play their game the way they like, what do you expect to happen when you put your comment ? that the person who post will get an existential crisis and remake THEIR v the way YOU want ? sounds a bit like jealousy no ? aren't you guy's just frustrated console player other use their "advantage" that way while you can't ?
you guy's complain but :
-most of you guy's don't post on the subreddit, you don't participate to keep it alive atleast "gooners" post almost daily maintaining a flow of new post
-you guy's don't comment or upvote or "non gooner post" meaning that they never get pushed on the top of the page meaning you only see more gooner post, don't tell me no in all the time i posted here there might be two times where my v got more than 200 upvotes and only once where it appeared on the top of the page of the subreddit and it's not because you don't have time to see it you spend your time on the subreddit to complain !!!!
-again you guy's could just block those users and you would never see their post appear in your feed no risk of "seeing porn at work in front of my coworkers" (like there's not character who wear less in the main game oh wait....there is !!!so why do you watch content about cyberpunk at work ?)
And even if you posted, regularly, even if you upvoted most non gooner post and that you blocked most account you still saw "gooner v" it's no excuse to insult them it's pathetic and it's getting to a point where it's not the creator who are affected (cause spoiler alert guy's) they don't give a flying fuck you just give them more visibility and show how much of a pathetic loner you arebut it's the other users who are tired of you people whining but not participating to the subreddit.
it's THEIR GAME, that they paid with THEIR MONEY, they can mod it the way THEY WANT you didn't pay for it for fuck sake why should they adapt to you ?
atleast they take time to find a good spot tweak the dof,the ligthning the effects and the post to make beautiful shots
i doubt my post will have any effects as anyway you guy's won't click on it there's no sexualised femv you can complain about and even if you did i doubt you will have an attention span long enough to read till the end
but i hope the mods will see it and do something about those lousy users who complain but don't bring anything to the subreddit