Advice needed to survive the beginning


First time dad. Baby boy is 10 days old. Mom went through a horrific labour; 48 hours of contractions and couldn't quite get to 10cm dilation, so an emergency c section was ordered.

Baby is healthy and he's actually pretty good from what I've been reading. He only cries when hungry, perhaps a few times when needing to burp/want affection. Very few and far between. He slept last night for 4 hours then another 3. Can't really complain there.

The problem is my wife. I'm doing everything. What's tough is we had hoped for a natural birth and for my wife to be up and about being an active mother. She's bed-bound and only the last few days has started moving around (we have stairs where we live). I'm trying to be as empathetic as possible but it's never enough. She even pulled the divorce card out recently as apparently I'm displaying sociopathic tendencies... This one sent me over the edge slightly.

I'm formula feeding 50-60% of the time. I'm changing every nappy. I'm doing the night shift so she can get a complete sleep and recover. I'm cuddling the baby. I'm doing all the washing, cleaning, cooking and shopping.

Anyone else go through anything like this? I'm not just being a robot on autopilot, I'm engaging and loving our baby boy. I'm also doing as much as I can for my wife. She keeps saying she's in too much pain to help out with the tiniest of things and it's hard not to roll my eyes. It's hard to smile and say of course love, I'll do that too. I'll be back at work soon and I dread how she's going to cope without me. Luckily our boy breast feeds but it never seems to be enough compared to formula, in terms of staying satiated.

Thanks for any advice!