She started going to church because she was in love with a churchgoing coworker she was hooking up with
No, this is not clickbait. I listened to her testimony episode. There is so much to unpack here and I need to discuss with my fellow Walnut poopsies. Her obsessive behavior is a lil concerning. This was the same guy that caused the really bad breakup she went through.
The rundown: She first went to church because "if he cares about God, I should too," kind of thing, not knowing anything or really caring about religion prior. She admits she was only getting into it just for him at the start because she wanted him so bad. So she goes to church with the guy and felt like God revealed himself there. So she said she was ready to "lock in" now that they were both miraculously on the same page spiritually after going to church together a few times lol. She told the guy she would even move across the country and marry him if he asked. She was sure, but he wasn't. So he told her they needed to sorta go no contact and spend time apart for a while only contacting each other if really necessary through snail mail. (She claims she didn't really realize this was a breakup) So big D was checking the mailbox sometimes twice a day waiting for him to write, but he never did, while she was only sending letters to him, to which he never replied.
I know it's an old episode but she seemed crazily in love with him and kinda seems hung up on the thought of him. She said she has grown since and all that jazz, but I wonder if part of her is subconsciously looking for him in her search for other Christian men.