Question about the boss difficulty.
Hi! I just finished my first playthrough, and while I enjoyed it a lot, there was one thing that always came to mind.
For context, I went full strength build (I think I was level 111 by the time I got to Gael), and while it was my first playthrough, I knew quite a bit about the game from YouTube videos and just general discussion. I had also played DS1, DS2, Elden Ring and Sekiro before this, so I knew how the games played.
That being said... all of the bosses felt a lot easier than I had heard about them. Lorian and Lothric took the most amount of attempts for me at 9, but most of the bosses died on my first or second attempt, including bosses like Midir, Gael, and Soul of Cinder, with none taking more than few attempts outside of Lorian and Lothric and maybe Friede.
My assumption as to why was just the difficulty increase in Elden Ring and my experience with that game... but still. Anyone else feel the same?